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I had an application built that relies on the SMS gateway. For the last several months, I have been experiencing issues and as of this last week the issues have escalated. Massive delays in text messages being sent after initiated, some being sent in the middle of the night. As of today, almost 100% of the API calls have failed.


In my web application custom application, there is a form where some information is filled out and when the form is submitted it triggers 2 actions;


1 - The phone number entered in the form receives a text message

2 - The information in the form is texted into a group text message 


In the admin panel for my custom application, I am able to create new text groups and add or remove numbers in existing groups. For the last 2 months, every time I update a groups numbers the text messages stop going through. Sometimes, randomly, after a few days I’ll be able to update the numbers and it will start working with those new numbers. It’s not consistent at all, sometimes I can’t change the numbers for over a month.


As of today, I had to change a few numbers in a few groups and the whole application is not longer working. Almost 100% of the API calls have failed today.

My developer is missing in action, I am trying to find a new one to dive into this. I really don’t understand 99% of how any of this works. I desperately need help. My business runs on this custom web application and these text alerts I have running through the SMS gateway.


Here are the 2 errors I am seeing in the API history;

An error occurred

HTTP status


Error code


This is the most common error happening right now

An error occurred

HTTP status


Error code


My developer attempted to fix the issue before disappearing. Here is what he did and some of his comments about what is happening from his perspective;

Initial discussion and solution implemented

It’s from SMS api end like some time there server is not responding. so sms not send and the appointment creation step fails.

Solution for this when we got the exception from api end then we create the appointment but set the SMS flag for that appointment false and make a separate script that runs every 10 minute on server and check the appointment that SMS flag false and try to resend the SMS for that appointment.


This started to fail, so here is some feedback from the developer when I asked for help getting this fixed;


The error was from API end like some time its giving error on the valid number too. So I have created the log entries and and try the hit the api call again whose last sms was not sent

I have set the cron that run every 5 minute and checked the failed sms entries and try to send it again using sms api call


The error was form API end like some time its giving error on the valid number too. So I have created the log entries and and try the hit the api call again whose last sms was not sent

I have set the cron that run every 5 minute and checked the failed sms entries and try to send it again using sms api call


Its SMS gatway side issue we integrated there api. Now That api some time work and some time not so in this what I can do?


I am in some SERIOUS trouble right now and this is impacting my business in a MASSIVE way. I need help and I am way out of my element without a life raft!!!!!

I am not aware of any outage or change in the SMS service in the last few weeks. I don’t know exactly  how your app send group messaging and what you meant update group numbers etc.

The 503 error could also mean when some parameters are invalid and the 429 error is the throttling error which indicated that you call the API more than the designated API rate limit.

You can email me at and let’s have a closer look at the problems.

I sent you an email, thank you. I am also trying to recruit a full stack developer as we speak to jump in and help resolve this issue.
