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I want to change the logging level to show more detail in the boot log of a Polycom VVX311. It currently shows no useful information.

000011.344|so   |*|00|---------- Initial log entry ----------
000011.344|so   |*|00|+++ Note that Updater log times are in GMT +++
000011.344|boot |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000011.344|copy |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000011.344|utilm|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.344|hw   |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.345|ethf |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.345|dns  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000011.345|curl |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000011.345|sec  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.350|wdog |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.350|wdog |*|00|Hw Watchdog timer interface opened successfully from polyupdater
000011.350|lldp |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000011.350|cdp  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000011.350|key  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.350|so   |3|00|SoKeyC::keyboardSetup(): Assigning virtual key: hwId 45 soKeyConcordVirtualTabri].function 53
000011.391|so   |*|00|Platform: Model=VVX 311, Assembly=3111-48350-001 Rev=A Region=0
000011.391|so   |*|00|Platform: Board=3111-48350-001 1 0
000011.391|so   |*|00|Platform: MAC=64167f077f58
000011.391|so   |*|00|Platform: BootBlock= (48350-001) 13-Oct-15 17:05
000011.392|so   |*|00|Platform: BootL1= (48350-001) 13-Oct-15 17:01
000011.392|so   |*|00|Application, main: Label=Updater, Version=Lena 16-Jun-20 12:54
000011.392|so   |*|00|Application, main: P/N=3150-11069-630
000011.392|so   |*|00|Platform: Updater Signature=Release,GPL (00000098)
000011.393|so   |*|00|PoE-Type-2 is detected
000011.393|log  |*|00|Install file upload callback for 'Updater'

000011.393|app1 |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000011.401|cfg  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 2
000011.439|app1 |3|00|Application, load: Type=SIP, Version= 16-Jun-20 13:04
000012.348|so   |3|00|Link status is Net up Speed 1000 full Duplex, PC down.
000016.597|so   |3|00|Updating Animation Sequence Done Status to the Polyupdater

In the web interface under Settings > Logging > Module Log Level I've changed some modules to debug level (for example DHCP Client and DNS) but these changes are not taking affect when the phone reboots. I know changes made via the web interface are stored in a <MAC Address>-web.cfg file which should take precedence over the config from the provisioning server. According the following article:

Deskphones - Polycom | Troubleshoot VVX 300, 310, 400, and 410 issues

"If the provisioning server permits uploads, these override settings will be saved in a file called <MAC Address>-web.cfg and <MAC Address>-phone.cfg on the provisioning server as well as in the phone’s device settings."

Does RingCentral permit uploads? Note that this is a self-provisioned phone that wasn't acquired through RingCentral. Does that matter in this case? Ultimately, how can I get these log setting changes to take affect when the phone reboots?

Hey, @pp We're working with internal teams to get some answers for you.
Hang tough as we dig into this further.
