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HI all try create webhook for receiving calls using javascript sdk, but i got Error: Parameter [request] value is invalid

This is my following code

 var _eventFilters = [];
_eventFilters.push('/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/' + 101 + '/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true&aggregated=true')

method: 'POST', url: '/subscription', eventFilters: _eventFilters, deliveryMode: { "transportType": "WebHook", "encryption": false, "address": ""; } }) .then(function (apiResponse) { console.log(apiResponse.json()) }) .catch(function (e) { console.log(e) });

Thanks in Advance

Hi Robert,

The event filters that you have passed for creating the subscription via WebHook is wrong. 

Kindly use the below code and try the API call again:

var _eventFilters = [];

When you pass the event filters for an extension you can either provide :

1.) (~) which would refer to the extension authorized by.
2.) Provide the extensionID for an extension, which you can look up using the below API Endpoint
      Get Extensions List
      GET /v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/

101 is extension number. Extension ID is expected.
After applying the extension id getting the error

 Error: Parameter [request] value is invalid
    at Client.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/commusoft-app/node_modules/ringcentral/src/http/Client.js:62)
    at <anonymous>
