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Sorry for such a simple question. I'm retrieving detailed call log data and trying to determine which RC user picked up the inbound call.

I'd thought I could just look at each Call where call result= "Accepted"

and final leg result = "Accepted"

and the call recipient would be the 'to' of the receiving RC user.

Instead, I'm mostly seeing the 'to' number as something I don't recognise, but the 'from' is an RC user.

last Leg from call where Call 'from' was a customer phoning in, eg:

"result": "Accepted",

"to": {

"phoneNumber": "+440000000005" <-- no idea about this (example) number


"from": {

"name": "Bob Dobbs", <!-- Bob is an RC User

What should I be looking at to determine which user picked up an Incoming call?

Sorry if I'm not being clear. I don't actually use RC, I'm just accessing the API.


Hi Thompson,

I am not sure if the "to" phone number you showed is a real one you received. But if that is real, then it looks like some international number issue.

If you question is purely about how to map the "to" number to one of the extension under your account, then maybe you use the phone-number (at the account level /account/~/phone-number) endpoint to read all phone numbers under the account and match with the number you received to determine the user.

+ Phong
 I am not sure I phrased my question very well. You can delete this question if you like and I will submit a better example from the actual logs on Monday. Thank you anyway.
