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Do we see any Presence events with Call Forwarding ?

  • October 20, 2015
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  • Known Participant
  • 105 replies


Do we see presence events on any forwarded calls ? When a call is forwarded to another user extension we do not see any presence events.

Also, When a phone number is part of virtual extension, the phone number will not trigger a presence event when there is a incoming call through the virtual extension. This is a scenario of Call-Forwarding to another user extension.


To see the presence events on any forwarded calls ?

What is Virtual Extension?

A: Any extension which has a Direct / Digital line associated with it but does not have a Desk phone or a Softphone attached to it.

What is Call-Forwarding?

A: Call-Forwarding is forwarding an incoming call on one extension to another extension using a call-forwarding rule.

To learn more about Call-Forwarding refer to the article here:

How Call-Forwarding works?

A: Call-Forwarding basically works on the rules which is setup as part of the extension which forwards the calls to other extension. Lets say, we have an extension "abc" which forwards calls to extension "xyz" then any incoming calls to "abc" would be forwarded to the extension "xyz".

Why there is no presence event triggered for forwarded phone numbers?

A: Presence event is associated with the extensionId. Forwarded calls are for the Direct numbers and Digital Line numbers and not to the Extensions. Hence it does not trigger the presence event.

What can be done to receive presence events in this scenario?

A: However the suggested workaround would be to set up a Call Queue and have the users be a part of the call queue and in this case any call which comes to the queue( which is a replacement for the Virtual Extension ) would eventually result in presence events for all the extensions within the call queue.

To learn how to setup a "Call Queue" follow the instructions:

To configure "call handling rules" within a call queue follow the instructions :

To learn how to "subscribe to multiple extensions" using our SDK's follow the instructions posted in our devcommunity by Benjamin Dean


When a call is forwarded to another extension we cannot see any presence events on the forwarded extension.

The suggested method to see presence events would be :

  • To configure a call queue
  • Add the user extension as part of a call queue
  • Subscribe to the user extensions which are part of the queue.

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