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We have an issue that is happening sporadically to multiple users.  They will try to log in to RingCentral in Salesforce and get two error messages saying “Cannot connect to the server. Please retry later” and “Login failed due to internal errors.  Please try again later”.  The users are using Chrome.


They can have the issue with Chrome, but if they use Incognito mode it will work, and it worked on Microsoft Edge, but will still give errors using Chrome (non-incognito mode).  They may get the errors for a couple days, then it will work fine, then the next day it happens again.

I have been working with support for over two weeks now and they don’t have an answer yet.  Is anyone else having this issue, or HAD this issue and figured out a resolution?

I appreciate any and all help!

I am not sure if anyone in this forum can help. But I checked internally and I was told that a support agent was on a call with you. Please continue working with that support person to get help.


I appreciate the reply and I will continue to work with the support person, but I posted this inquiry to this forum because this has been going on for almost 3 weeks and I am getting desperate for any type of solution.
