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I moved away from PubNub and using WebSockets with the Python SDK. Right now I am trying to graduate an app and I cannot exercise the WebSocket Subscriptions app scope. Here is my current application scope:

Call Control, Read Accounts, Read Call Log, Read Call Recordings, WebSocket Subscriptions

@Phong Vu

What is the app client id?

This is the app client id: fJISI3oBdtofUuxHor7oCO

but, is there any way to exercise that permission using the app? I am able to receive notifications in the sandbox just fine.

Look at the attached image Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 9.40.33 AM.png@Phong Vu

I believe that if you create, read and delete the subscription several times then it would pass the requirement. Otherwise, it is a bug.

Can you do that or confirm if you have done that.

What I can see from your app analytics is just 3 creations and 1 read subscription.


Any ETA on a fix for this, I have the same issue when using websocket subs.


No ETA. Issue was reported though. Meanwhile, you can always post your app client id and I can help to graduate it manually.
