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Not an API coder, but I have been tasked with getting answer.

Client has 2 applications each currently using separate Twilio accounts for SMS appointment reminders.
Client would like to have both applications use Ring Central SMS from the main number.


Hi @Douglas Gillson are they trying to stop using twilio? What's your client goals with SMS appointments reminders?

They want to use the Ring Central main number for all outgoing SMS.

Twilio can't send SMS from the main number unless we port away the main number to them, client does not like that idea.

Your account main company number must be assigned to an extension to handle incoming call, SMS and Fax. The assigned extension will have the SmsSender feature from the main company number, thus that extension will be able to send/receive text messages from the main company number (or any other company numbers). Here is the instruction how to check and set the general settings.

Login your RingCentral account admin portal and open the General Settings page as shown below and select the extension which needs to send/receive text messages from the main company number.


If your account has multi sites. The settings will look slightly different.



Thanks , I know the ring central side.
My question was more around the API side.
I assume the the developers of the 2 applications the clinics are using would need to write some custom code to send SMS messaging through Ring Central platform.

Wondering if anyone has ever done this, or if it's even feasible


That is doable and simple. You can register a private server app to RingCentral and use the JWT token auth method. Then generate a JWT token for the user who is assigned to handle main company number as showed earlier. Then you can call the /sms API to send text messages.

Check out this SMS dev guide for more info.

Yes the client wants to stop using twilio and use Ring Central for client appointment reminders
