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I have integrated java script SDK for send SMS. I want to retrieve incoming SMS.

Is there any way to get plain text of message body in mail instead of url of txt file?


In order to receive incoming SMS, you need to subscribe a push notification for SMS, then use either Webhook or PubNub to receive the notification. When a notification of an incoming SMS message arrives, you can parse the payload to extract the body of the message.

I don't really understand your other question "get plain text of message body in mail instead of url of txt file" so please explain.

Some example codes:

// Subscribe for notification

function createSubscription() {

  var _eventFilters = [];  


  return'/subscription',    {

    eventFilters: _eventFilters,       

    deliveryMode: {

      transportType: "WebHook",

      address: "Your_Webhook_Delivery_Address"



  .then(function(subscriptionResponse) {})

  .catch(function(e) { throw e; });


// receive notification via webhook and parse the response'/webhooks', function (req, res) {

  req.on('data', function(chunk) {


  }).on('end', function() {

    body = Buffer.concat(body).toString();

    var jsonObj = JSON.parse(body)   

    var senderNumber = jsonObj['body']['from']['phoneNumber']

    var text = jsonObj['body']['subject']




For full demo please download this example

Hope this helps!

Each sms message you send will have a message id and attachment id with it.

There is an RC API that retrieve the message content in plain text:

/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store/<message id>/content/<attachment id>

You can use this API in your code
