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I am getting below error to setup webhook URL to get notification.

Errror: Parameter [deliveryMode.address] value is invalid

Below is my request string:

{ "eventFilters": [








"deliveryMode": {

"transportType": "WebHook",

"address": "{some page}";



Response :

{ "errorCode": "CMN-101",

"message": "Parameter [deliveryMode.address] value is invalid",

"errors": [


"errorCode": "CMN-101",

"message": "Parameter [deliveryMode.address] value is invalid",

"parameterName": "deliveryMode.address"



"parameterName": "deliveryMode.address"


Hello -

When (or where) are you getting this error message? 
just before 30 minutes.
According to this RingCentral Webhook tutorial, it would appear you are receiving this error message because the URL is not SSL-enabled (http:// VS https://). I understand that the documentation says this is not needed in the sandbox environment (which means this could potentially be a bug).

Could you provide the complete request/response headers (sans-API keys) please?

Is this while creating the subscription or while renewing the subscription? I only ask because you cannot change the deliveryMode.address value during a renewal from what the original value was during creation.

Is the endpoint you are testing able to meet all of the following criteria?
  1. is available on the Internet
  2. has a TLS / SSL enabled*
  3. can respond within 1000 milliseconds
  4. will respond with Validation-Token header on subscription
