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Hello, we signed up for High Volume SMS using a RingCentral number. Used the web app to send a bulk message to several thousand recipients. Now I'm trying to download a report on the campaign using the button in the web app but it just spins indefinitely with no report generated. Is there a way for me to extract data on messages successfully delivered or failed? I also am looking to report on any numbers that elected to opt out of future texts.

Can you post this to the Feedback channel from the app? I will reach out to you from there.

For getting opted-out numbers. Open the Settings page and select the "Opted-out Numbers" option



Just want to follow up on this. Could you download the campaign detailed report?

Thanks for the reply, Phong. All of the sudden this morning I was able to download the report. I was also able to view opt-outs where you suggested. I'm all set now.

Great! Do you know that you can implement a webhook in your server to receive campaign reports programmatically. Click the "Setup Webhook" to see how to set it up.
