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I am trying to integrate RingCentral within my react-native mobile application. What I'd like to do is have the ability for a user to tap on a phone number from within my app and have it open and call through the RingCentral mobile app. I believe this requires a redirect URI for the RC mobile app, but I am unable to find this.

Hi Carly,

I am not sure if this work or not but can you try to open a link like this "rcmobile://call?number=+1234567890" to see if it works. That is the scheme we use with the href attribute of an <a> tag to launch the RingCentral mobile app from a web page.

Please let me know if it works.

@Phong Vu yes, that worked for RCMobile! There is a new iOS app for ring central that has Glip, Phone, contacts, etc. Do you know what the schema for starting a phone call in that app is?
