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My development team and I are developing an app and using RingCentral Team Messaging API.

We are using and According to these docs, we should be getting an attachment with 20+ fields, but instead when I:

  1. attach an image (or file/video) to a RingCentral chat
  2. fetch that chat with its messages

I get an array of attachment objects, and each object has these 4 fields:

attachments: {

contentUri: "",

id: "2222653882378",

name: "Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 10.07.47 AM.png"

type: "File"


but the image on the given uri doesn't exist, I get this error instead:

{"errors":[{"errorCode":"CMN-102","message":"Resource for parameter [fileId] is not found.","parameterName":"fileId"}]}

This happens with any image/file/video.

I assume it's because the contentUri is simply not valid.

What would be the course of action I could take in this situation?

How did you download the attachments? Did you attach a valid access token to the contentUri?

I did not download the attachment, I only used the get request to get the messages from a specific chat.

In the messages list, for each message, I get an attachments key whose value is an array holding the data about the attachments in the message - the data being those 4 keys I listed in my question.

I can't find any information in the documentation about how/where to attach a valid access token to the contentUri, so if you could help me out with that, that would be good.
