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Is it possible to adjust on the fly where to route specific incoming caller IDs

  • 5 October 2018
  • 1 reply

We have a list of several hundred numbers from which our clients call from (i.e. their caller ID). We want to provide the RingCentral system with these numbers (presumably in a delineated format) and then on the fly (daily, hourly, etc.) tell it what extension to route specific numbers to. (At the moment we only have one extension but plan to add more if we can solve this issue). Thus, we envision on the fly providing the RingCentral system with our list of delineated numbers and instructions on where to route (which extension) each of these changeable groups of numbers.

For example: today incoming numbers A, B and C need to go to extension 101 while incoming numbers D, E, F need to go to extension 102. Tomorrow this will change and incoming numbers B, E, F need to go to extension 101 while A, C and D need to go to extension 102. We want to give the RingCentral system this list of numbers and extension instructions on the fly and have it adjust accordingly.

We know that currently the basic RingCentral web interface allows us to enter individual numbers (or even partial numbers) and give instructions on where to route each number. The problem (aside from entering in several hundred numbers) is that we need to be able to adjust on the fly the instructions for where to route each specific number...and also be able to easily add and remove numbers as our client list changes.

Thus, for this to work we were wondering if the RingCentral system has the capability to receive (intake) our on the fly list of delineated client numbers and call routing instructions? We have developers who can build a system on our side to send RingCentral that list but we need to discover if on your end that list can be received and the necessary settings adjusted based on its instructions.

A BIG thank you for any help that you can provide.

We have a RingCentral Office Standard plan but are aware we may have to upgrade to Office Premium to access developer features.

You can automate the caller-id to number routing using our create and update custom answering rule APIs:
