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Link Activities created by RingCentral to Campaigns in Salesforce

  • 11 April 2024
  • 0 replies

In our Salesforce workflow, we utilize click-to-dial functionality with RingCentral to initiate outbound calls. Our goal is to associate Activities/Tasks generated by RingCentral with specific Campaigns using a custom related field. For instance, when we make an outbound call on a Lead that is already associated with a Campaign, an Activity is automatically generated and linked to that Lead. In our use case it's possible to have more than one Campaign associated to a Lead, so we have to track that on the Activity level.

We've explored the option of creating an Apex Trigger to manage this process. However, it appears that accessing Activity records using before insert or before update triggers is not possible. Has anyone successfully developed an Apex Trigger capable of updating fields on Activities created by RingCentral? Alternatively, has anyone discovered an alternative method for linking outbound call Activities to Campaigns?

Also, has anyone found a way to change the default RecordTypeId for the Activity records by RingCentral?

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