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Main line routing to specific user softphone issue

We are using routing from main line to a specific user who handles all incoming calls. Here is our configuration:

This user answers the call using
Our user answers the calls automatically everything works as we expected. But after some time when it’s running on our main line, someting weird starting to happens - our user is still answering incoming call, and start streaming the audio as before, we can see this in the logs, but on the phone we hear only silence for 5-15 seconds after that “I am sorry no one is available to take your call. Thank you for calling.” is playing and the call disconnected.

We don’t know for sure when it’s happens, it’s super hard to reproduce, if it’s after exact time or maybe after N amount of the calls that were routed to our user, because it different each time we try it. Usually it takes ~ 25-65 minutes before it stop working correctly.

When this issue happens in the dashboard the incoming calls marked as “Missed” or “Rejected”:

BUT, if we call directly to the phone number to which we are routing the calls from the main line, without any changes/restarts, it answers and everything works perfectly, you can see direct call at the top of the list on the previous screenshot.

So our server works fine, there is no issue with that, it seems to me like this could be related to this redirect that we are doing from the main line. Because we can not reproduce this behaviour if we just calling our user with softphone by direct phone. 

Could you please help us to figure out what is the problem here?



Basically routed calls from the auto-receptionist should be the same as direct calls in this case. The soft-phone will receive the same SIP Invite message.

Unfortunately, the problem description and screenshot of the call log you shared above are not helpful for the investigation. The call log shows that it seems those missed calls are internal calls (because of the short code which looks like the extension number). The rejected call is an outbound call to a PSTN number so it is definitely not the one you are talking about even you highlighted it.

Do more tests from outside number (e.g. your mobile number). Also check the extension call handling settings, change it to if no answer → go to voicemail to see if the call result is “voicemail”

The call log shows that it seems those missed calls are internal calls (because of the short code which looks like the extension number)

Yes, you are right, this is internal number. But before this happens I am calling from this number and everything works perfectly. So basically it should not matter I believe. But I will try the outside phone number. Thanks.


The rejected call is an outbound call to a PSTN number so it is definitely not the one you are talking about even you highlighted it.

No, this this was inbound call, not outbound, that’s why I highlighted it. 


Also check the extension call handling settings, change it to if no answer → go to voicemail to see if the call result is “voicemail”

But it should be always available, I mean if we are accepting all the calls automatically how it’s possible that our phone number is unavailable? 

I just noticed that we have a lot more missed calls from yesterday for example, even when we thought that our reception is working.

Is it possible that we need to do additional configuration or something else for our case? Because it seems like some of the calls are going directly to my ringcentral application (ringcentral phone old app), which is off during our testing.


It seems to me that some of the calls are answered by our server via softphone and some of the calls are going to the application somehow, or something like that. 

That’s why I asked you to check the extension call handling settings.

If you have multiple devices and if the ring is at once or in order etc.

Check out my blog where I discuss about extension settings and the demo app support multiple call sessions and able to route incoming calls to other extensions

Thank you! We disabled desktop and mobile apps in ring settings, I hope that will resolve the issue. Will check it out and let you know.

@Phong1426275020  We configured the ring settings as you suggested, disabled options “Desktop and mobile apps”

But, during testing we noticed that the same problem happens. After some time sound “I am sorry no one is available to take your call. Thank you for calling.” is playing and the call disconnected.
We have missed and rejected calls with durations > 30 seconds. 

It still feels like it sometimes trying to route the call to the app.

Any suggestion how we can debug this issue further?


And all those missed calls were answered by our user, as before, we can see that in the logs.

 Also check the extension call handling settings, change it to if no answer → go to voicemail to see if the call result is “voicemail”

We do have enabled voicemail forwarding for this phone number, but it’s also not working. 


Some of them displays as missed and some of them displays as rejected when user hear the message “I am sorry no one is available to take your call. Thank you for calling.” and the call disconnected.

But again, on our server we can see that those calls were “answered” by softphone.

I am not sure how that could happen. The issue is not logical though as the extension “no answer” setting is set to route a call to the voicemail but you heard the announcement instead.

I recommend to open a dev support ticket so someone can have a deeper look at your account/extension setting.

Already, created a dev support ticked with link to this thread. Thank you. 
