Hello. I am a non developer operations manager trying to set up an automation for my AI voice agent to pull callers into a Park Extension. Using the Make.com Make an API call I am running into a AGW-404 error. The end point URL looks like this:
But Im unsure if i have my account id correct. I couldn’t find the account id anywhere in my account so I just used the URL when logged into the admin console. Am I correct or is this why im getting the 404 error?
Im setting up the first webhook to retreive the call session, then I planned to set up another to get the callID, then the Park Call Action last.
Can anyone help? I am totally willing to hire someone. Litteraly have been working on this for 2 weeks. Even tried it without Make.com and directly into my LLM with a custom action and can’t get that to work either. Please help!