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Hello.  I am a non developer operations manager trying to set up an automation for my AI voice agent to pull callers into a Park Extension.  Using the Make an API call I am running into a AGW-404 error.  The end point URL looks like this: 

But Im unsure if i have my account id correct.  I couldn’t find the account id anywhere in my account so I just used the URL when logged into the admin console.  Am I correct or is this why im getting the 404 error?

Im setting up the first webhook to retreive the call session, then I planned to set up another to get the callID, then the Park Call Action last.

Can anyone help? I am totally willing to hire someone.  Litteraly have been working on this for 2 weeks.  Even tried it without and directly into my LLM with a custom action and can’t get that to work either.  Please help!

First of all, you don’t really need to specify the account Id in the event filter if you do this for your own account or if your account is not a federated account (multiple accounts). You can always use the tilde sign “~” and the system will recognize the account via the authenticated user access token.

So the event filter will be as simple as “/restapi/v1.0/account/~/telephony/sessions

Check this dev guide to learn how to subscribe for WebHook notifications. There are sample codes for different programming languages.
