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Mark a voicemail as read

  • 17 July 2015
  • 4 replies

How might we mark a voicemail as read (or any type of message for that matter)?

Currently, the light still blinks on my desk phone until I either read it on an app, online, or delete the message.

To update a voicemail or other message's "readStatus" property, use the Update Message API for the messageIds desired.

This API is documented in the Developer Guide API Reference here:!#RefUpdateMessage.html

You can also try this out on the Sandbox Environment using the API Explorer below (don't forget to authorize):!/Messaging/v1_0_account__accountId__extension__extension...
Thanks for that! I tried updating the message, but got this error:

{ "message" : "Internal Server Error. Consult RC Support.", "eventId" : "eaae36c7-8d7e-410a-97d2-1e8349266a6f" }

Any idea what might be wrong?
Please check that your Content-Type header equals to "application/json". If equals, please specify full request you are sending to server.
That did the trick! Thanks Ilya!
