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Missing disconnect events?

App ID: Sf_MHvJ_RSCNbASqY4hw-g~yH9spVm3RZSAmcwoDLI7hg
App Name: Xima CCaaS
App Link:
Env: Production

I have also created a support ticket. case number 15233463

We have a call that comes into our SIP handset. TelephonySessionId=s-a0dd87208502fz180a94f0c42z16963390000

Then with our sip handset we make the call to an agent. TelephonySessionId=s-a0dd8651384ccz180a94f70a2z8549130000

Once that agent is talking we finish the Attended Tranfser.

According to the SIP messages that we see on our end the AttendedTransfer completed. So our system thinks the agent (Crystal Geiger extension 686) has answered the call and the REFER message got an OK response.

The API says that the transfer went through but then never sends the DISCONNECT event on the s-a0dd8651384ccz180a94f70a2z8549130000 call id. We do see a single DISCONNECT on the second call Id s-a0dd87208502fz180a94f0c42z16963390000.

The Call Logs in the RingCentral system say that the agent missed the call but it lasted 10 minutes. Is that expected? Is there a bug on your end?

We did end up hitting the call log API and it shows the call was there for the 10 minutes as we see afterwards with the 10 minute missed call. Our customer is complaining that the agent was stuck tied to this call for 10 minutes when from their end it seemed the call was over and they should be available.

Was the call answered by the SIP handset before it was transferred to the agent? In other words, was it a blind transfer or warm transfer?

Can you subscribe for the telephony session event notifications to capture and print out all the events of that call, remove sensitive info such as name and phone number and post it here so I can have a look at it. Since you already created a support ticket, it's better to update the support case with such detailed event logs so they can check.

Sorry for the delayed response. I have tested many times on my end and I do get the Disconnected event for both call sessions. It's so hard to follow your log as the incoming call first went to a call then forwarded to a call queue member, then the member who answered the call made a warm transfer to another agent.

To simplify the log for investigation, can you make a simple direct call to the agent "Xima CCaaS 1", and make a warm transfer to the agent "MB".
