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I’m trying to accomplish the following:


I want to make an API request that will return to me if a specific phone number has been sent an SMS message over a specific period of time. And if yes, I want it to return to me what that message said.

First, is this possible? If not, could I at least see if the number has been texted, and not what the message is?

Second, where do I even begin with this? I have been trying to accomplish this automation in Zapier using an “API Request” step. I built an app, and have the Client ID and Secret and everything. It isn’t working.


Can someone give me a brief explanation on how I would accomplish this? What are the first steps? How do I obtain the correct “token”?


Thank you for any help. PS - I will pay someone if they help me build this. Thank you

Are you looking for the RingCentral API platform? Not sure why you mention Zapier in your question, but if you need to read SMS messages from you RingCentral account, you can simply call this API.

Zapier is for the automation I’m building. I am building an automation that will only run IF Fphone number] has been sent tspecific text message] over rspecific time frame]..


Is this possible to do with the Ringcentral API?

Would you be willing to help me build this? I will pay you.
