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We have an endpoint setup to receive account telephony session event notifications from RC that is working and has worked for a long time for our users until recently. We have two users that we know of that are just not receiving any telephony session event notifications. It's not that the endpoint isn't working, because we tested it with brand new endpoints that only receive notifications for the specific users. The only notification we received was from the RC API initially validating the endpoint and getting the validation token back. RingCentral gave back the success code and we can see the subscription is active on the account when we pull the subscription list via API.

For some reason, we can't get any of the notifications for telephony session events which we use to calculate talk time and other metrics that we use for performance reporting.

We also do not receive presence notifications for these users, but are tracking all of that for our many other users without any issue. No changes were made to the endpoint, it's still receiving notifications for all users but the two we found.

With just this much info, I can not help tell you what could be wrong. This is an account and extension specific issue, I think you should ask from the dev support so they can have a deep look at your account and the extensions that did not get telephony session events. Submit a ticket here

@GEQ API What is the event filter that you are using for Subscription endpoint ? Have you tried using Account level Telephony Sessions notification event filter :

Can you please post your api response for GET Subscription ID API ( Active Subscription's event filter list ) :
