Hi there
I have successfully created a test account in RingCentral and created a test desktop app which allows me access to see test call recordings. It currently uses Password Flow authentication which I want to keep. And it is enabled only for members of my own organisation/company. Password Flow is very important since the app is entirely controlled by some CRM software I created which automatically needs permission to communicate with the API, and there is no intervention with a real person (eg I do NOT want a user to have to login etc, hence why the Password Flow is the only way to enable my CRM software to automatically communicate with the API).
My company has a live Avaya Cloud Office solution with the top "enterprise" licenses and from what I have been told by Avaya support and read in your RingCentral documentation (here: https://developers.ringcentral.com/guide/basics/partners/aco) I need to reach out to "developer support" to request for partner test accounts (in this case: Avaya Cloud Office test account). Please can someone assist me?
Thank you very much for any help.