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Can someone at RingCentral please directly answer or give examples for how a business that is only using SMS for direct (non marketing) texting would submit a campaign application? How can we ask for opt-in from individuals who text us directly? How about vendors who use text for business purpose? A working example of the application process start to finish would be most helpful.

To summarize, how does a business that is not using SMS for marketing, but rather just for direct one-on-one conversations, submit a campaign application? Thank you.

Brian we are in the same situation.

We are in the same situation. I have sent the information in but it was rejected due to insufficient detail provided for consumer consent. The way i look at it...if it's insufficient then tell me what i need to make it sufficient. Instead they just tell me fix it.. I don't know what these people want. I called RC and they just read the instructions...we need a little more help than what they are giving.

Please review the following video that walks through registering conversational use cases as required by TCR:

As a reminder, if someone messages you first, consent is implied to respond back to them and have a conversation. In order to message someone first for a conversational or informational use case, you just need their permission (or express consent) - this can be verbal or written, and is not required to be logged (only promotional messages require express, written, and logged consent).

We will also be hosting a webinar tomorrow at 10am PST where we will go over numerous aspects of TCR as well as provide time for Q&A.

This is very helpful. I wish I had seen this video and a description of "conversational messages" before now. If this information is posted in the help areas, RingCentral may want to tweak the web pages to make it more obvious. It's great there is a webinar today but given the warnings about deadlines and time frames for approval, we already took a stab as submitting a campaign. Didn't want to wait!

Hi Mike,

Just doing some research on this issue now and I have missed the webinar. Is there a recording that I could access?


Still looking for the webinar recording, please give us an update. Thanks.
