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/restapi/v1.0/account/~/active-calls/ reponse data has changed?

  • 25 May 2016
  • 1 reply

we query the active call data in intervals and parse that data for various "real time" stats.

(this active call data is filtered based on a selection of groups and displayed in a web based app used in our main call center)

however, as of last week, all active calls are returning the same data under

'to' : {

'name': 'THIS USED TO SHOW GROUP NAME', // 'Help Desk', 'Sales Dept', 'IT Dept', etc

'phoneNumber' : '123-456-7890'


the '' field was checked against a local list of defined groups.

all calls are coming in as using the same value for ''

(they all show as the caller ID name set in our account)

Using: ringcentral 2.0.6 JSSDK

Please let me know if you need additional information,


Hi Kyle, our team is looking into this issue now and I've asked them to reach out to you. To help us track this issue, please open a support case by going to our support page and submitting a support ticket or sending an email to our developer support team. Please stay tuned for a response from our team.
