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RingCentral Analytics -> PHP Page

  • 16 April 2019
  • 1 reply

I have an internal PHP page that provides analytics about each of my team members. The data from RingCentral that I use is the previous days call volume and average call time --for each employee (5 of us). Do I need to make my PHP page download a log file and then parse that log file each day, or is there a simple query I can use within my PHP page, to get that information?


Yes, you have to implement your PHP app to read the call log everyday and do the calculation to get the volume, average call-time etc.

To save API call for each user, you can access the call-log at the account level (login with an admin role user credentials), then you can read the company wide call log data.

If you want to explore further, read this blog and get the source code from our github.

Hope this helps!
