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Hello, I created an application using Filemaker in which we store client phone numbers, I want to make it where the user can click on the phone number and RingCentral will process the phone call. However I am not able to make the RingOut endpoint work.

I am using cURL to make the request, the staff is using the RingCentral Desktop Application for Mac.

For some info:

  1. I have successfully done API calls like sms, fax etc.
  2. When I run the RingOut endpoint I just get "in progress" but the RingCentral application does not open up and process the Call.

Any help is much appreciated.

I also want to point out the our account does have the RingOut permission enabled.

Can you print our the entire response? Particularly the status object like this

"status" : {
"callStatus" : "InProgress",
"callerStatus" : "InProgress",
"calleeStatus" : "InProgress"


Yes, here you go

What happens if you login the RC soft phone (with the same user extension authorized from your app), and change the setting to use RingOut for outgoing call and place a Ring-out call from the soft phone.



I get this error.

Then the problem is not with the API, nor the app, but somewhere in your account/number settings. Please open a support ticket so someone can have a look at your account.

I have submitted a ticket.
