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I have tried to access the API to no avail and this is getting extremely frustrating now.

We have RingSense licenses, user’s are set to record conversations and produce transcripts.

I can successfully authenticate to the /insights API:…./insights



    "errorCode": "InsufficientPermissions",

    "message": "In order to call this API endpoint, application needs to have RingSense] permission",



            "errorCode": "CMN-401",

            "message": "In order to call this API endpoint, application needs to have RingSense] permission",

            "permissionName": "RingSense"



    "permissionName": "RingSense"



The Developer playground “Try It” … DOES NOT WORK.

The API documentation is vague.

We’ve tried using Postman to connect, producing the above error.

We’ve tried using Zapier to get the “ProcessedRecording” event, which does not work.

Searching this community produces results where people are saying it’s “Not Supported”.

I have created an App on the Developer Console and assigned AI role, which STILL IS NOT APPROVED DESPITE OPENING NUMEROUS HELP TICKETS.


This is incredibly frustrating to pay for a product that so far… just does not work.


It means that your app does not have the required app scope “RingSense”. The API is still in beta so the app scope is granted via developer request. Please fill out this form to submit your request.

Oh, ok, awesome!!  It would be nice if there was some mention of that from RingCentral sales Rep, the API docs, or the technical support Rep we’ve been communicating with for days.


So RingCentral’s product rollout plan seems to be…

Advertise and promote the product as if it’s included,

Sell the product licenses per user, after the customer finds out it’s not included,

Then wait for the customer’s devs to get angry after pulling all of their hair out for weeks, before you tell them the product is still in Beta and requires approval.


Oh, ok, awesome!!  It would be nice if there was some mention of that from RingCentral sales Rep, the API docs, or the technical support Rep we’ve been communicating with for days.


So RingCentral’s product rollout plan seems to be…

Advertise and promote the product as if it’s included,

Sell the product licenses per user, after the customer finds out it’s not included,

Then wait for the customer’s devs to get angry after pulling all of their hair out for weeks, before you tell them the product is still in Beta and requires approval.


I know and sorry for the trouble! The link to the request form supposed to be added to the API dev guide. However, I was debating with the team to remove the barrier and allow developers to add the app scope themselves. But that have not happened yet.

I hope you win that debate, because it’s a little strange to need approval for a product that is already being paid for.

Typically a Beta product would be free, to select customers ..with approval, until it’s ready for prime time.

Thanks for your help btw.
