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I am very new to Ringcentral. When I go by Click to dial, it shows me, "Your call could not be completed. Please try again later". Is it something about, Ringcentral issue ? Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks

I'm getting the same error. It happens whenever I try to dial by clicking a lead's phone number in Salesforce.

Here's a screen:

I dug a bit deeper and found this error in Google Chrome's Developer Tools Window:

Refused to execute JavaScript URL because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'nonce-bb3def57-5b49-00d4-88e3-4e60bb19b80f' chrome-extension: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' * 'unsafe-eval'". Note that 'unsafe-inline' is ignored if either a hash or nonce value is present in the source list.

I tried Click To Dial on both Chrome and Microsoft Edge and received the exact same error as well.

So I'm wondering if this is something the RingCentral engineering team might have to address?

I'm not sure. Let me know if there's something I need to do on my end.

Thank you!

Hello Byron, 
This error may not be relevant to click to dial. You may be aware that RingCentral App requires a RingCentral phone to be able to make calls.  There are two options for phone making an outbound calls from Salesforce App, You can either use the RingCentral Desktop software phone(aka softphone) or your desk phone.  The App basically makes two legs of incoming phone call, one to your RingCentral phone and other to the party you trying to reach. In this case your RingCentral phone is not reachable.  Can you please double check your setup to make sure your RingCentral phone device (Softphone or deskphone) are able to take incoming call. 
Yea, you're right.

It's working for me perfectly me now. Both the desktop softphone for RingCentral and dialing out to my cell phone.

I'm having no other problems, so it looks like the integration is working perfectly :)

Thank you!
Hello! Could you share a screen shot?
