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I have the following problem:

I am using the code for sending a fax as it is published in the official documentation.

// Send Fax

$request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()
'to' => array(
array('phoneNumber' => xxxxxxxxxxxxx),
'faxResolution' => 'High',
->add('Plain Text', 'file.txt')
->add(fopen('', 'r'))

//print $request->getBody() . PHP_EOL;

$response = $platform->sendRequest($request);

print 'Sent Fax ' . $response->json()->uri . PHP_EOL;

This works perfectly for me in my local development environment. (Windows 10, WampServer, php 7.2.25, Laravel 5.5.9). But when I do the deploy in LIVE (aws, ngix, php 7.2.25, Laravel 5.5.9) it doesn't send the fax and it gives me the following error:

ERROR: 400 Bad Request (and additional error happened during JSON parse: Response is not JSON) {"userId":00,"email":"","exception":"[object] (RingCentralSDKHttpApiException(code: 400): 400 Bad Request (and additional error happened during JSON parse: Response is not JSON) at /home/forge/, Exception(code: 0): Response has unsuccessful status at /vendor/ringcentral/ringcentral-php/src/Http/Client.php:44)
#0 vendor/ringcentral/ringcentral-php/src/Platform/Platform.php(310): RingCentralSDKHttpClient->send(Object(GuzzleHttpPsr7Request))
#1 app/Http/Controllers/RingCentralController.php(353): RingCentralSDKPlatformPlatform->sendRequest(Object(GuzzleHttpPsr7Request))

This occurs when there are files attached to the fax. When there is none, the fax is sent

I have read in other threads that there are users with some similar problems but they do not detail the solution.

It could be that the headers Content-Type for Send Fax might be wrong . The content-type is supposed to be 'multipart/mixed'

Can you change your code to something like this ?

@Yatin Gera @Yatin Gera Can you please test the PHP SDK and make changes as necessary ?

 $builder = new MultipartBuilder();
 $builder->setBody(y'to' => ;'phoneNumber' => 'foo'], 'faxResolution' => 'High'])
                ->add('plain text', 'plain.txt', 9'Content-Type' => 'text/custom']);

@Ivan Irias
What you seem to be missing is adding a form boundary to be used in the multipart form request
The SDK will take care of creating the form data for you with multiple attachments but you need to provide a form data boundary





$platform = $rcsdk->platform();

$request = $rcsdk->createMultipartBuilder()
  'to' => array(array('phoneNumber' => $RECIPIENT)),
  'faxResolution' => 'High',
  'coverPageText' => 'Sending using PHP'
->add(fopen('', 'r'))
->add('First page with text', 'first.txt')
->add('Second page with text', 'second.txt')
->add(fopen('', 'r'))

$resp = $platform->sendRequest($request);
print_r ("FAX sent. Message status: " . $resp->json()->messageStatus);

This should be helpful

Let me know if you are still stuck.

