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With my app, that is already promoted to Production environment, I have no problem sending SMSs to US Phones.
However, when I try to use international phones, the API call fails, with this response:

HTTP Status: 403 Forbidden

Content: {

"errorCode" : "MSG-386",

"message" : "The destination is disabled.",

"errors" : [ {

"errorCode" : "MSG-386",

"message" : "The destination is disabled."

} ]


In my account settings, the country related to the phone number is enabled.

Any help would be appreciated!


Ignacio Alvarez

Can you send message to the same number using the RC app?

Based on what you shared and observed, I suspect that your account does not have international SMS enabled.

Can you call this API to detect the feature of the number you use to send SMS message. If you don't get these features [ 'CallerId', 'SmsSender', 'MmsSender', 'InternationalSmsSender' ], then you must contact your RingCentral account manager to help enable the feature. If the number has all those feature, then open a support ticket for investigation.

Thank you. I could verify that the features are present for my account. And I could send a SMS to a French phone number. Maybe is something related with the country Uruguay. Thanks again.
