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In the settings for the app I have "Webhook Subscriptions" checked, but all I get is application permission denied. I am missing something and I do not know what. Can some one point me in the correct direction.

var bodyParams = new CreateSubscriptionRequest();
bodyParams.eventFilters = new[] { "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/101/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true" };
bodyParams.deliveryMode = new NotificationDeliveryModeRequest()
transportType = "WebSocket",
address = "ws://",

bodyParams.expiresIn = 3600;
var resp = await _restClient.Restapi().Subscription().Post(bodyParams);

The transportType must be "WebHook", not "WebSocket"

transportType = "WebHook",
address = "https://...."

If you still face problem, please refer to this quick start for a full demo project.

Disregard my answer if you want WebHook instead of WebSocket.

It seems that you are using C# language. Please check

You cannot create websocket subscription via RestAPI. So you'd better use the official SDK extension I provided above.

And yes, app permission is required. Please create a ticket to request for permission:

This feature is not yet fully public so you cannot add this permission yourself.

I am taking your advice and requesting permission for this feature via:

Thank you.
