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After I make api calls consecutively for 2 days, my apps graduation requirements status is : passing and on the third day, again graduation requirements status becomes red. how to handle this problem ? do we need a paid ring central account to graduate app from dev. portal ?

When I created app in dev portal, no option of public or private was shown to me. I just created an app and coded it. How do I know whether my app is public or private ?

This guide is not helpful to me :

Check the latest doc for creating app:

As per the doc:

All RingCentral CustomersThis makes your application available to the entire RingCentral ecosystem of customers, including those customers of our brand partners. We often refer to these apps as "public."
Only members of my organization/conpanyThis restricts access to your app to only users belonging to your RingCentral account. We often refer to these apps as "private."
Only customers of selected brand partnersThis restricts access to your app to only select brand partners.

Graduation process:
