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Hi all,

I am trying to integrate RingcCentral into my Laravel 5.5 site for a business with a RingCentral account.

I had to download the SDK manually, but I have the page displaying without error if I set the line

"'client_id' => $this->_appKey,"

equal to a constant inside the authUrl function.

public function authUrl($options){    return $this->createUrl(self::AUTHORIZE_ENDPOINT . '?' . http_build_query(        array (        'response_type' => 'code',        'redirect_uri'  => $options['redirectUri'] ? $options['redirectUri'] : null,        'client_id'     => $this->_appKey,        'state'         => $options['state'] ? $options['state'] : null,        'brand_id'      => $options['brandId'] ? $options['brandId'] : null,        'display'       => $options['display'] ? $options['display'] : null,        'prompt'        => $options['prompt'] ? $options['prompt'] : null    )), array(        'addServer'     => 'true'    ));}

But if I do not set the client_id property to some constant I get an error saying that '$this->_appKey" is an undefined property.

If I do set that value to a constant of my correct client_id I get this error:

{  "error" : "invalid_client",  "error_description" : "Invalid client: ",  "errors" : [ {    "errorCode" : "OAU-153",    "message" : "Invalid client: ",    "parameters" : [ {      "parameterName" : "client_id",      "parameterValue" : ""    } ]  } ]}

I would greatly appreciate any help with this, as every attempt to do anything has been met with a multitude of errors.

I've added this information to your post on our SDK GitHub issue page here:

Let's keep this discussion there since this is a SDK topic.
Hi Jesse,

Can you quickly open the SDK Platform.php file and change line you highlighted above then test again.
'client_id' => $this->_appKey,
Change to:
'client_id' => $this->_clientId,

Let me know if that helps!

+ Phong
I have updated the SDK with the right _appKey new terminology as _clientId. You can download the SDK again and try it.

+ Phong
