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Good afternoon,

Our company recently started using the ring-central service, My MD has asked if its possible to get a list of extensions in one of our management programs which I have done without any issues.

He as also asked me if its possible so that when you press a button in the application, it rings X extension, I have tried to use the MakeRingOutRequest but this appears to just make our main number ring out to a call even though we are providing it an extension.

What is the correct method if I want say Extension 301's desk phone to ring out to an external number?

Any help would be appreciated,



To place a call from or to an extension number, you can specify the main company number followed by a "*" and the extension number. E.g. the main company number is 16502345678, to call an extension 301 under that account, the callee's number would be "16502345678*301"

Check this quick start for sample code to make a ring-out call in different programming languages.
