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I'm definitely new to RingCentral development, but I am looking to write a simple modal notification app (for windows desktop) that shows my front desk the number of voicemail (new & old) and allows her to quickly manage them without having to dial into RingCentral or log into their admin screen.

My questions is if anyone has any suggestion/structure/setup to this app. Should I be using WebHooks? Subscriptions? Events? etc.

I have read through the API, but I am no professional developer, At this point in my career, I'm more of a hack developer that will throw code until it works without understanding the "correct" way to do it...because I only ever write for myself, not for $.

Any help is very much appreciated.

Check out this article and the source code of the demo project to learn more. It's a Web app but you can learn from the JS code and build your own app for native Windows desktop.
