When you are subscribing to
Webhooks using the
UI in the developer portal ( App -> Webhooks ) the Webhook URL must respond with the Validation-Token immediately. Please read below.
Enable Webhooks using UI:When you enable Webhooks using the UI as shown below, your app need not Create a Subscription via Webhook instead respond immediately with a HTTP 200 and a Validation-Token in the header.
The Glip-Botman code that you are referring to is creating subscription inside the application, instead please make sure that when you 'Verify' the Webhook URL would have the below code:
<?php $callbackBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$callbackSignature = getallheaders()['Validation-Token'];
header('Validation-Token: '. $callbackSignature); http_response_code(200);
Invalid resource owner credentials :
You do not have to provide User Credentials when you are creating the Webhooks using UI. As shown above, your webhook URL would need to respond with a HTTP 200 and the Validation-Token.
If you are creating an application of Type == Server/Bot, then I recommend you go through this tutorial for more information: you are using the Glip-Botman library please use the branch '
I try my level best but when I am trying to verify my webhook url it's showing verification failed msg.
I using ngrok. Can u guide me to run index.php from my local machine.
Solved Invalid resource owner credentials problem but now It giving "
WebHook is not reachable".
Is there any mistake in this code then please guide me.