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Hi Team

I am getting "Webhook Setup Error: Invalid resource owner credentials " this error.Please help me out to solve this problem.


When you are subscribing to Webhooks using the UI in the developer portal ( App -> Webhooks ) the Webhook URL must respond with the Validation-Token immediately. Please read below.

Enable Webhooks using UI:

When you enable Webhooks using the UI as shown below, your app need not Create a Subscription via Webhook instead respond immediately with a HTTP 200 and a Validation-Token in the header.

The Glip-Botman code that you are referring to is creating subscription inside the application, instead please make sure that when you 'Verify' the Webhook URL would have the below code:
<?php $callbackBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$callbackSignature = getallheaders()['Validation-Token'];
header('Validation-Token: '. $callbackSignature); http_response_code(200);  

Invalid resource owner credentials :

You do not have to provide User Credentials when you are creating the Webhooks using UI. As shown above, your webhook URL would need to respond with a HTTP 200 and the Validation-Token. 

If you are creating an application of Type == Server/Bot, then I recommend you go through this tutorial for more information:

If you are using the Glip-Botman library please use the branch 'Bot-provisioner'

I try my level best but when I am trying to verify my webhook url it's showing verification failed msg.
I using ngrok. Can u guide me to run index.php from my local machine.
Solved  Invalid resource owner credentials  problem but now It giving "WebHook is not reachable".
Is there any mistake in this code then please guide me. 
