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Howdy - I'm using the RingCentral API to automate some customer service functions (so each text is personal, not mass texting).

We're fairly confident of our data - the number should be a cell # more than 95% of the time ... but I'd like to fail gracefully if it's not.

As a test, I sent a text via iMessage to a landline (my local library), and Verizon sent me a text from a separate number telling me that my text didn't go through because it was a landline. Is there something similar for RingCentral (whether using the API or just a feature that can be turned on)?

In short, how does a RingCentral user know if they tried to text a landline? It's not super critical, but is there in fact a way I can detect that kind of failure using the API?


I believe that with standard SMS, i.e when you send from the RingCentral app or RingCentral soft phone or the /sms API, the message will fail and if you read that message from the /message-store, you will just see the message status as "DeliveryFailed" with no further reason.

But if your phone number is an A2P (a.k.a High Volume) SMS number, the message will fail and if you read that message from the HV SMS message store /a2p-sms/messages/{messageId}, you will see the message status as "DeliveryFailed" with the error code SMS-UP-410 or SMS-UP-411 or SMS-CAR-400 or SMS-CAR-411. See the error description from this table.

Thanks, @Phong Vu - that's super helpful. My initial problem was solved with the simplest of examples, so I didn't even realize that /message-store exists ... but it makes perfect sense once you mention it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
