Welcome! We are so glad you are here!
The goal of the RingCentral Community is to create an inspiring environment for support! We want to encourage the sharing of best practices and engaging with your fellow admins, end users, and developers connected with RingCentral.
Please keep in mind - this is a brand new platform. It is inevitable that there will be hiccups. If you identify something that requires the RingCentral team’s attention, please reach out to us via private message right here in the Community or via our Community Support email below. Thanks for your understanding and patience as we work out all the kinks.
The RingCentral Community Forum Terms of Use (the “Community Forum TOS”) is the governing document for this community. The following post breaks down the Terms of Use defines expected etiquette for participation in the community.
Code of Conduct
The following are for your benefit and will help to make this community your go-to for crowdsourced support.
We ask that you respect all of the items listed below as well as the guidance of our community moderators and long-term members.
ALERT: Any breach of these items listed below, or those noted in the Community Forum TOS, may result in the suspension and/or termination of your account.
#1 Be Yourself
At RingCentral, we are focused on supporting people being their best and most authentic self.
This applies in our Community space. Your fellow Community members will engage with you more when you're being you.
We’d ask that you use your real name so we can engage with the real you. And don’t create multiple user accounts, impersonate other Community members, or misrepresent yourself or your affiliation.
#2 Get Social
This community was built for you.
It was created to help you find what you need, help others when you can, and get recognized for your efforts.
Every one of us has something unique to share about their RingCentral set-up and their own tips and tricks. Share that knowledge with others! If you see a post where you feel you can contribute to the conversation - do it!
#3 Mind Your Manners
We encourage debate, discussion, and productive conversation. Disagreements are inevitable, but remember that there is a human being behind every Community profile (Including RingCentral representatives).
Respect your fellow Community members while extending good faith and courtesy in all your exchanges.
Do not post illegal, threatening, libelous, or obscene content. It will be removed, and your account suspended and/or terminated.
If you feel that another member is disrespecting the spirit of these guidelines, please feel free to contact someone from the Moderation Team via private message or at the email below immediately.
#4 No Spam
You love your business and/or products and we’re sure other people do too! But the RingCentral Community does not not allow unauthorized solicitation. Please only speak about products or services you love (or sell) when relevant to the conversation.
Do not post content regarding RingCentral competitors or alternatives. This is a RingCentral support forum and all unrelated endorsements will be removed.
Need clarification? Email us and we're happy to help! community.support@ringcentral.com
The RingCentral Community Moderators reserve the right to remove any posts that do not conform to the above guidelines without warning. We also reserve the right to temporarily or permanently remove users who violate the above guidelines or our Terms of Use.
Now, let’s work together to create a great Community!