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Multiple Unique Users for One Phone Number

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  • 2 replies

We are setting up a member support process. There would be one RingCentral support intake phone number. Several users would be scheduled to monitor this phone number. Can each user have unique login credentials for the single phone number?

7 replies

Community Manager

Could you specify the activities that users need to monitor? If it’s limited to receiving calls, we have a viable solution. However, if it extends to monitoring voicemails, faxes, and text messages, then it is not possible.

  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • August 2, 2024


The RingCentral users (Member Support Liaisons) would need to be able to monitor phone calls, voice mail, and text messages.




Problem Solver
  • Participating Frequently
  • 98 replies
  • August 3, 2024

When you say “monitor” do you mean that there is an active call between a customer and 1 of your standard users, and then a 3rd person listens in on that call?

Afaik for call monitoring on RC you select 1 user to monitor and another user(or users) to be monitored. You can’t select a phone number to be monitored, only users.

Therefore, in the context of call monitoring your question 
“Can each user have unique login credentials for the single phone number?” 
doesn’t make sense.

Tbh I am not 100% sure you are talking about call monitoring defined as an active call between 2 people and a 3rd person listening in. If you meant something else please rephrase the question.

Joe Cache
  • Brainy
  • 154 replies
  • August 5, 2024

Sounds like a Call Queue.

As to the ‘having the same number’ - in our on-boarding of a new staff member, the Template we use sets their Outgoing number to the Main company number - this way anyone who calls out gets the same Caller ID and the Company Name pops up on the receving phone.

This field can also be locked down so that staff can’t change their Outgoing number.

Let us know more details and hopefully we can help.



  • Author
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  • 2 replies
  • August 5, 2024



Let me try to explain the scenario better.There will be a RingCentral telephone number designated for member support. Any church member needing support would call or send a text message to this RingCentral telephone number. Two or more people serving as Member Support Liaison would be scheduled at different times to receive incoming telephone calls or text messages to the RingCentral telephone number requesting support. The Member Support Liaison would use the RingCentral app to receive the request and pass it on to a team leader for a response.

Problem Solver
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  • 98 replies
  • August 5, 2024

-what Joe said - create a call queue with the 2 or more user extensions in it
-assign the phone number to the call queue
-the users will be able to toggle “Accept queue calls” if they want to be getting calls or not.
-the users will have unique credentials for logging in their user extensions.

If you need the support users to see calls/voicemails/text messages of other users, then you need them to have a Phone System Admin role.  Alternatively, and if you have it in your plan, you can create a custom role and make sure they have access to the company call log. 

Joe Cache
  • Brainy
  • 154 replies
  • August 5, 2024

Let us know if you need any screen shots, walk thrus, etc. 

We have this for many of our departments - one of the nice things that RC did right in its core programming.



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