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The fax In production right now, and already set up real account number with my website, so when someone submit the order, the website will automatic send fax to a real line. The problem is can't customize cover sheet, the frist page is look like unprofessional, and waste too much paper, because the note is on the second pages. So we need the company logo and note on the frist page, that's will save too much paper. The attached file picture 1 is currently situation as you can see, and the picture 2 is what i am want. Could you please help to solve this problem, and what kind of information you need, please let me know, thanks very much!

It is possible to customize fax cover page. Please take this as example:

@Tyler Liu

I have a sandbox account .I am using Java SDK for sending Fax. Whenever i try providing my own custom cover page file in .docx. My Sending Fax Fails. If i remove coverPage by setting it to '0' it also fails.
Only Successfully sent when i go with Default Fax Page.

I am using below code to send Fax.

CreateFaxMessageRequest postParameters = new CreateFaxMessageRequest();
        MessageStoreCalleeInfoRequestq] recivingNumbers = new MessageStoreCalleeInfoRequestqupdateMessage
        for(int i=0;i<updateMessage.getReceiverNumber().size();i++) {
            recivingNumbers i] = new MessageStoreCalleeInfoRequest()
        = recivingNumbers;
        postParameters.faxResolution = "High";
        postParameters.coverPageText = StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateMessage.getContent()) ? updateMessage.getContent():"" ;
        if(!updateMessage.getFaxFileIds().isEmpty()) {
            List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<>();
            if(Objects.nonNull(updateMessage.getFaxCoverPageId())) {
                FaxAttachment  coverPage = this.queueMessageService.getFaxFileAttachment(updateMessage.getFaxCoverPageId());
                postParameters.coverIndex = 0L; 
                Attachment coverPageObj = new Attachment(); 
            for(ObjectId id:updateMessage.getFaxFileIds()) {
                FaxAttachment  fileAttachment = this.queueMessageService.getFaxFileAttachment(id);
                Attachment attachmentPageObj = new Attachment(); 
            Attachmentb] attachmentsArr =]::new);
            postParameters.attachments = attachmentsArr;
        FaxResponse response = restClient.restapi().account().extension().fax().post(postParameters);

Also is there any limitation on Number of Pages in fax for Sand Box Account? Currently fax with only 2 pages is getting successfully sent.
Image of my .docx file is as below
