We are having a bizarre issue today with RingCentral.
Under https://service.ringcentral.com/application/company/phoneNumbers/allNumbers, most of our users’ numbers have a grayed out checkbox.

When we move our mouse over a grayed out checkbox, we see This number is a Digital Line that is not eligible for bulk actions.

A RingCentral team member mentions that this is normal. Our team has previously not seen this issue, so that is new to us.
Here’s the biggest issues:
- In the app, when users search by name, nothing shows up.
- In the app, when users search by extension, nothing shows up.
- In the app’s phone dialer, if a user enters an extension and hits Enter, the extension does ring (and that is good)
- While on a phone call, if we need to transfer it to John Smith, we cannot type John to show his extension. We need to remember his extension. However, John Smith does not appear in company contacts either. (that’s not good)
We have contacted support and they are just going through the general troubleshooting: Can you clear cache, can you reload, can you reinstall, can you log off and log back on, etc.
I post here in the case someone else is seeing this issue and knows how to resolve it. This issue wasn’t there yesterday. This morning, we got reports from team members that they could not search each other in RingCentral.