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Customer Name: Maria with account number: 14437325867

  • 25 May 2020
  • 1 reply

Our customer Maria with account number: 14437325867 wants to restore the feature wherein they can listen realtime when ever caller leaves a voicemail.

The feature to LISTEN TO YOUR CALLER IN REAL TIME and have the option to pick up the call b4 the caller completes the voicemail or hangs up..... this feature was removed WHY ? This is important feature in our business We may be busy with a task but still have the option to hear our voicemails in real time and choose to pick up the phone or choose to allow the ongoing voicemail. Also our attorney uses this feature and only picks up the phone when she hears our voice real time on the voicemail. This is great for callers leaving urgent or important messages that we want to respond to immediately versus listening to hundreds of voicemails each day to sift through the important ones. WHY ARE YOU REMOVING VALUABLE BUSINESS FEATURES ? BEFORE ANY FEATURE IS REMOVED IT SHOULD BE ANNOUNCED TO THE COMMUNITY OR EMAILED TO CURRENT CLIENTS For feedback. WHY R U FIXING THINGS THAT ARE NOT BROKEN ???
