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Desktop App: Will it run on Linux?
No, but you can install the RingCentral for Google Chrome app, which will give you most of the functionality as the desktop app. 

This is not officially supported for Linux, but, It does seem to work on Ubuntu version 14.04. 

If anyone else has tested it on other versions feel free to post and let us know your experience. 

I installed the extension on both Chrome, and Chromium and it worked well on both. You will need to have a DL to dial use the dial from Browser option.

I've never tried Mike, but I have played around with Ubuntu a wee bit in the past. There is a program called Wine that allows you to run Windows programs in Linux. The ultimate answer is I don't know, but it would be interesting to see if it would work in Wine. I just spoke with my brother who has an extra Linux machine laying around. When he gets the chance he's going to load it to see what happens. I'll give you feedback then, but just know my brother works on manana time, so it might be awhile.
I didn't know there was a Chrome App, I'll definitely try that.  I have installed the softphone app in Fedora23 using wine.  It crashed almost immediately, added some msxml libraries (all I think) and that seems to have helped a bit.  If I find the "magic bullet" in terms of libraries that keep it stable I'll gladly post, but ultimately I would really love RingCentral to show some love for the Linux folks out there. 

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled RingCentral App on Linux. Hi, 
I found a solution by adding the extension to google mail.  I'm glad you replied back because it at least show you have concern, but I have lead a support team in the past and I would highly advise you to get your support team to tell linux customers that they can still use the gmail extension.  

And on top of that, if you have a google extension, why not just make a web browser-based one as well, and that would fix almost 100% compatibility issues. 

photoChad Brooks
Project Manager/Executive Assistant - Boost Media GroupA 1485 Bay Shore Blvd. Suite 177 San Francisco, CA 94124
P  (415) 599-2956  P  800.35.Social  ext 176 F  916.302.4742  E  W 
How come it says "Powered by Zoom" yet Zoom supports Linux video calls and you don't ?
It's great having a Chrome extension for scheduling meetings, but it's not usefull if it depends on the Desktop App.

As the Desktop App doesn't run on Linux, there's no way to run RC on Linux.

Emulation with Wine could be an option, but it's not the right way.

Android is Linux-based and it has official support. Even Zoom has official Linux support.

Please add support for Linux.

We're running Linux, and the Chrome extension does work similarly to the Softphone Desktop application for Windows.  However, we depend on the HUD feature in the regular Desktop app which the extension doesn't have.  We need HUB for the extension asap! 
Same here, I only use Linux and I can't receive escalation calls due not running the app natively. Even with the mobile app or the chrome extension it doesn't allows you to be part of HUB or group diversion due to the device type 😞
The Google Chrome Extension ver 4.0 is starting Beta soon, contact your Customer Success Mgr. to ask to join the test group.
Does this mean that the Chrome Extension v4.0 will have the HUD functionality?
Not to my knowledge - they definitely know folks are clamoring for HUD on Chrome - and we are leading that pack of "beggars" on that issue!

RingCentral currently don't have linux support. Let's use Zoom instead.

AND... this is why we prefer Google Hangouts.  No need for an external "handler".  Time to get a clue, kids.
This issue is 4 years old, and there's still no Linux version!
Are you joking?
