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Forward Incoming Calls to User Phone Number Over to Main Company Number

  • 16 April 2024
  • 1 reply

We are a medical office, and all phones are "community" phones. Each phone does not have an individual user. We need all calls to user phone numbers to automatically follow the company rules and ring through the main auto-receptionist. All I need is for any of our multiple phone numbers to behave as if the main number was called without having to set up schedules for every individual user. When trying to forward to the main company number, I receive an error message stating that I cannot forward to a number included in my account and that I have to use the extension number instead. The problem is, if I forward to the auto-receptionist main menu extension, the office hours rules from the auto- receptionist company hours are not followed and the phones ring after hours. The only solution I have to this problem so far is to purchase a dummy cellphone and set that phone to auto-forward all calls to our main company number, then forward in RingCentral to the dummy cell phone. Help! PPlease allow me to forward calls to the main number or give me an extension number for autoreceptionist that applies the company hours to its logic.

2 ways to go about this.


Enable Multi Site. Multi Site allows you to create Site extensions. Even if you only have 1 site you can use Multi site so that you have an extension number to forward to.
The path to enable Multi Site is More > Account Settings > Multi Site Settings.
If you don't see the setting you are either looking at the wrong place or it is not included in your plan.


You suggested to buy a dummy phone for forwarding. No need for that. You can create a free user extension (VideoPro extension). This is the way to go if you don't have access to Multi Site. The path to setting it up is:
Users > Unassigned ext. > Add unassigned ext.
Select country for the extension. The next screen is very important ->
Select extension without Phone.
Select the amount of extensions (1) and select Phone number (without a number)
Add and then enable the free extension.

Configure the free user extension as follows:
schedule - same as company main number
working hours behaviour - same as company main number
after hours behaviour - same as company main number.

Now if you ever want to have your community phones forward to the main number you would have them forward to the free user extension instead.
