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I have been trying for a month to get help with this and RC Support either acts like they don't understand or doesn't call back and I'm very frustrated so sorry if this comes off super complainy. I need some help!

I manage a doctor's office. Our doctors rotate who is "on call" overnight. We are set up so there is a dummy user that receives all after hours calls from the IVR and custom rules set up to forward any calls to the doctor that is designated ON CALL for that specific day. Since 2/10, we no longer see the number of the person that is calling, only that the dummy user has forwarded a call. My docs need to be able to quickly see who is calling (is it the hospital? the lab? a patient?) so if they are in surgery, they can opt to answer something urgent or if it is a known call they are waiting on that has priority over another. I have emailed back and forth with support, done the chat, requested multiple phone calls, sat on eternal hold and nothing. No one can figure out why. I have deleted and recreated the dummy account, the IVR, the customer rules, everything except the whole entire set up which I can't do. All setting are set to show Caller ID. Why can I only see "Call Fwd'd by On Call" ? And why can't you ever get a real person on support?

Hi Trista, I have made a new support ticket and escalated your case so that someone can reach out to you as soon as possible.
