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Many (not all) users were prompted again for admin credentials to install a helper tool today. This is a repeat of what happened the last time the desktop app version was updated.

Last time I spoke with a Glip product head but was essentially told "that shouldn't happen," with no explanation of what this is, how it's triggered, or why some users are prompted while others are silently updated.

Please explain?

Hey Rob! Our Glip team should be reaching out to you 🙂
Hi Saadet,

   I re-opened the discussion with a Glip PM; Looks like this will happen with any Glip deployment where the app isn't owned by the logged-in user (which is basically every deployment in a business environment).  I can only speak for the macOS desktop app , not Windows.

   It's been acknowledged and referred to a more specific PM for the desktop app.

   I'll provide more info as I get it.
Any more info on this? As Rob mentioned, this is a pretty big issue in environments where the user doesn't have admin privs, which is about 90% of my users. I'd rather you released complete binaries/installers that an admin can deploy, rather than using these background updates that will just be problematic for many of your users.

Looking back through this forum, it appears that it's been a problem for quite some time, so it would be helpful if you could find some resolution to this issue soon. Thanks
Hi Chris,

Saadet & the rest of the Community team don't have the ear of the product group(s), and Product and Support aren't aware of the requests here.  Despite it being RC's policy, reporting functionality problems / opening feature requests here in the Community is effectively a polite black hole.

But in my experience, nothing else has been effective on this front, either.  Fellow customers I've spoken to say they are just riding out their term.

This is an ongoing problem and frustration. RingCentral are you aware of this and do you need help fixing it?
Was there ever a response from the product team? 

Hey all, I did hear back from the Product Team. They suggested running the following commands from Terminal-let me know how it goes so I can report back on it :)

Those commands should be run in Terminal.
  • Open Launchpad
  • Open Utilities
  • Launch Terminal
 sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Applications/
 sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/Library/Caches/com.Glip.Glip/
 sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/Library/Caches/com.Glip.Glip.ShipIt/
 sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/Library/Application Support/Glip
 sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/Library/Application Support/com.Glip.Glip.ShipIt/

Hi Saadet,

   This is insultingly lazy /wrong information from your product team.  Moreso because it took 2 months from the last time you asked them.  You should dock their pay.

   Non-admin users cannot sudo.

I totally agree with Rob... I just got this answer back from our CSM and was kinda flabbergasted.

This set of sudo commands is not a solution for an office wide deployment. Do you really expect users to do this with every release of Glip? Oftentimes, users don't even have the admin rights to do this kind of thing anyway, so are you expecting sysadmins to do this on a regular basis for all user systems? I just don't get it.

If anything, it just makes me even more concerned about the pending replacement of the RC Phone app with Glip. I really hope you have a viable solution in place before then.
Hello everyone,

I agree that this is a problem and we cannot expect end users to run terminal commands, which need admin rights to work anyway.

The root cause of this issue is that an app which is installed by IT onto a users computer is done under an admin account, and any updates to the app require the same level of access - which is why users see an admin prompt.

One solution to this is to ask IT depts to push the updates and not have the app auto update. 
Today, I moved the RingCentral app out of /Applications and into user/username/Applications.  The helper prompt does not come up.  Not sure if there is something missing by doing this, but that app seems to be working and there is no prompt.  We only really use the app for Glip, so I don't know if this would impact one of the other features or not.
We have done all of these suggestions (and more) and had multiple cases opened and it's made no difference so far. Pretty frustrating. 
Poking this old thread with a new workaround:
Delete the following file post-installation - doing this removes the URL reference would use to check for software updates, halting auto-updates for the moment. Tested in 20.2.30


Inelegant and I can't vouch for how long it will work, but I've had success adding rm $thatFileName to my installer script. Please post results here, whether this worked for you or no so I can update this if needed.

I along with at least one other team member is having this issue with "trying to add a new helper tool" prompt but the prompt will not go away no matter what PW we use. Can anyone help me figure out what's to do. This is a big problem when giving a presentation or using other app. the only work around I found is to "quit" the RingCentral app. Thank you
