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Hello, I cannot get voicemails to play on desktop or phone. The progress bar moves, but there is no sound. Thank you!

There are a myriad of issues there - and as always, starting with layer 1 could help pin point it.

- Does the computer have sound normally, ie: if you're on youtube or listening to music? First steps there would be to play music - can you hear it?

- Are you using a usb headset, bluetooth or external speakers? If headset - have you tried a different usb port. If external, again - making sure the cords are in the right ports (lime green usually)

- Are you connecting to a remote server and running RC on there? Some remote servers have sound disabled by their admins, as it can cause trouble in some situations.

I know with my current setup, I have to change my speaker selection, as it keeps wanting to send me out a different port. Click on Setting, then to the righ, Audio - and look at your speaker selection.

Sometimes the default is not the right speaker port to send to - that would be the place most likely, but it's always good to check the physical layer as well.

That make sense?
