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I'm trying to get a report that shows when a call goes to User A, but User A didn't pick up so it went to User B who did pick up. Is there a way to do this? I can find how many Refused calls a user has, but I need to know when (day & time) and between which users.


have you tried the following.
Analytics > Business Analytics > Add widget > Call Records
From the left hand side menu, click and drag HopID to the table (since it might be a useful thing to look at)
From the left hand side menu, click and drag Ringing to the table (since it might be a useful thing to look at)

Dimension should be Queues. (or you may be able to use Dimension: Queues Agents to the same effect)

Filter for Result: Missed without Voicemail

At the top you have a field to name the Widget and to select a date range for the data it looks at.

Save in top right corner.

This might not be what you need, but I don't have suitable data to test it on my end. You can try it out and if necessary we can think of adjustments to the filters of the widget.

The alternative to creating a custom widget like described above is to go through the records 1 by 1. This might be feasible if you only care about checking 1 or few specific users. You could check their calls in Analytics > Performance Reports > Calls or Analytics > Business Analytics > Add widget > Call Records

This actually works for me. Thankyou so much!

Rhena, if you are looking for any additional detailed reporting, please take a look at our RingCentral App Market solution - Brightmetrics. Let me know if I can help in any way,

Tim Ganun
