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I would like to add extra access/participation codes to audio conferences.

  • 28 August 2020
  • 5 replies

I would like to add access codes for conference call participants so that I can maintain security when conferencing with different groups. How do I do this?

5 replies

I am referring to the audio conference bridge system. When creating teams/groups, I would like each team to have a different participation code.

Userlevel 4

This is currently not supported, John. But thank you for sharing this. We can have this thread as a new idea.

Hi @Mary-Community_Moderator, can you then tell me the purpose of Teams? If I create multiple Teams, they all have the same participation code, so theoretically anyone from a different Team can join any other Team meetings? Trying to understand the concept.

We would like to have this feature for security/privacy purposes within our organization. The ability to create multiple audio conference bridges with different participation codes and assign them to different teams.

Hi @Mary-Community_Moderator how many likes do we need to get this feature created?
