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Our customer service team has been using the Phone app pretty regularly to text our customers. They've been adding them in the contact directory to keep track. Going forward, they will also be using Glip for the team features. However, what they've noticed is that the customers they've texted before show up under the People section in Glip, but only their phone numbers, not their names. Why doesn't Glip pull the corresponding names from the Phone app? Or am I missing something?

I agree x 100!  This is incredibly frustrating and there is no way to change the "contact" in the Glip app.  Makes no sense!
Unfortunately, lots of "little", and I use the term loosely, things like this abound. Makes no sense, but that's RingCentral. We've been trying to slowly switch over for the last year, and I've kind of mostly pulled the plug in the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately for us, it's been quite disastrous because of call quality issues and the buggy apps, both desktop and mobile. Now that more people are using it, the issues are rearing ugly heads. I'm still trying to keep an open mind that things will all work out, but most of the people in the company absolutely hate RingCentral right now. But, we're committed for the next year, so we need to figure things out if possible. As you've noted, contacts are horrible, as nothing seems to sync between the different apps and this should be a no-brainer.
So I guess we will just have to use both apps. This really is an odd omission though. I also don't understand why they can't just have one app that does it all. Having all these apps is confusing and inconvenient. 
